Becoming A Man


Can someone be a man under his parents roof? NO!. With that he can only grow up to be a boy, he can never exceed that. Any attempt to do so will back fire.

There is a tiny line between being a man and a boy, but difficult to cross.
Crossing the line is never determined by the quantum of your physical muscles, but by how ready you are and doing the needful.


The readiness of a boy to become a man begins from having at least a ROOM of his own, away from his father’s. If you don’t know what it is to pay rent, you still don’t know what responsibility is all about. If you can avoid to pay rent, you will avoid otherĀ  responsibilities. If you rely on your parents to make you a man, then, they ‘ll dictate your Marriage when the time comes. If you don’t have a job, just get something to do, that is part of your story in life.


Heee, each time you go out, you return to your parents’ house like an egg under incubation waiting to be hatched, you are just a boy, not a man. It is a threat to every woman who dreamt a better and independent home in Marriage.
If you desire a good marriage, take the bull by the horn, stop eating your mother’s food as frequent as before, and finally drop it in a short while. Appreciate and tell her, she has done so much andĀ  enough.


it is time for you to forget the taste of her food, that will prepare you to switch to the woman coming.

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